Thursday, March 24, 2011

So i Cheated..

You might be wondering why I have been silent since Feb 1st.. or not.. whatever.

The reason is as old as life itself, I cheated.

Judge me if you must. I got a job.

I know I know.. the whole point was that I quit working. And I meant it.
I really really thought I would totally be a quitter until at LEAST the fall.

But then I realised I was bored. I had no fixed place to go, or coherent thing to do. Volunteering 2 days a week just wasn't enough. And it REALLY wasn't about the money.

So, when a friend of a friend asked if I'd like to "have a chat" with the guy in charge at a well respected and fun Not for Profit, I thought, "It will be good practice, what have I got to lose?!"

I thought it had gone well, but they were looking for full time, and I knew I wasn't up for that.

So I was floored when, coming all sweaty out of a spin class the next week, they offered me a job.

Part-time. Pay was within the ballpark of what I expect working for Not For Profits.  On 3 days a week (21-24hrs) I figured that  I would actually pay all my bills, and still have time for my other volunteer gigs and school.

I really had nothing to lose.

There have of course, been teething pains. I have worked a little more and volunteered a little less than I would have liked in the last month. I have had to learn how to make new friends, deal with new systems and fit in time with my partner. I haven't cooked as much as I would like.

But I quit the lifestyle that was making me sad and sick. And I have no intention of going back.  I am busier than ever. I am paying my way while actively contributing to community in both my employment and my volunteering.  It's a balancing act, and I'm just a little lopsided right now.

I have no regrets. I don't consider working part-time at a Not For Profit as giving up on my dreams. As evidence I would submit the photos below,  the triathlon I completed in March and smile on my face.

Will I stay there forever?  I doubt it.. but this is a step in my path to finding my dream life.

I'm not sure how I could ask for much more than that.

Take a Hike Moonlight Snowshoe February 17th, 2011 

                                                        UBC Triathlon March 6th, 2011

Seattle Trip Hucky's 40th Birthday March 11-13th, 2011