Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"Recyling" the Quit

I'm all about recycling. We have bins for out plastics and paper. We are starting to compost our scraps for the garden. I've never recycled a partner, but I'm sure someone ELSE reused them!

But I just recycled working.
Full time. Actually MORE than full time, 6 days a week. For nearly 2 weeks!


Well, I was thinking .. "It would be nice to have some extra cash." Ah the seductive lure of the mighty dollar.. Suckers you right in every time !

Here is what I learned. The people I used to work with are nice people.. probably nicer than I'd remembered. I should visit them more often. It was nice to feel productive and useful. I liked getting paid.

But the things I have been doing for the last year that filled my time (Photography, Volunteering, Gardening, Working out), I let go completely the last 2 weeks. I was getting grumpy again.
So being busy wasn't the problem- WORKING wasn't the problem. The problem was my ability to balance it with the rest of my life. And doing things because I ENJOYED THEM, not because they paid me a wad o cash!

So I MIGHT recycle work a few more times.. but I will ensure I also recycle the "QUIT" to ensure I keep in perspective the "gain" of monetary freedom versus the "loss" of  personal freedom.