Monday, March 12, 2012

Opps I "Quit" the blogging?!

I have been a bad bad blogger.

I would like to say it is because I have been sunning myself in some far off shore, sipping exotic drinks and generally opting out.

Alas, it is not so.

I have been working, fellow Quitters. There I have said it. I have been working harder than I ever did in my 9-5 Mon-Fri job.


Well it was winter for starters.. not much else TO do ..

WRONG I hear you cry.. what about cross country skiing? Snow shoeing? And generally hanging out with the good people that are your friends?

Good point. You got me.

Two things happened.

Firstly - in early December I was accepted to a program at the U.B.C. Farm where I had been volunteering. It is an Internship in Sustainable Agriculture.
It started this last week..  It's AWESOME.. I already know not all dirt is soil!

But it means I cannot work much in the summer, if at all.. so I had to "build" a nest egg to tide me through.

Secondly, I got sucked into the parallel universe that is the "political spectrum." Very like the Bermuda Triangle in that if you aren't very careful, you can disappear and  never be heard of again - at least not by non-partisan types! 

Between working extra shifts at the Y, temping back at my old employer, and working on the campaign of one Mr Nathan Cullen, there was little time for the "opt out".

But you know what? The short term loss of spare time is gonna make it all the sweeter when I'm out there in the Spring, planting my seedlings and nurturing my land.

Not to mention if someone I call a friend is living in Stornoway House, and holding Mr Harper to account..?

Now THAT's freedom!

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